` Home Federal Bank | Your future in your palm
h o m e F e d e r a l


Get upto 4%* on our Current Account Balances with Home Federal Bank.

What is the intention of the safety measures?

Home Federal Bank is strongly com­mit­ted to pro­tect­ing your funds and con­fi­den­tial in­for­ma­tion. We strive to pro­vide the most se­cure en­vi­ron­ment pos­si­ble as we want you to be con­fi­dent when ac­cess­ing your fi­nan­cial in­for­ma­tion on­line. While we work to pro­tect your bank­ing pri­vacy, you will also play an im­por­tant role in pro­tect­ing your ac­counts and per­sonal in­for­ma­tion. Please take the fol­low­ing steps to en­sure your ac­count in­for­ma­tion is pro­tected.

Why is it im­por­tant that you ad­here to these mea­sures?
As you ad­here to the se­cu­rity mea­sures de­scribed be­low, you will sig­nif­i­cantly re­duce the chance that you fall vic­tim to fraud­sters. The se­cu­rity mea­sures en­sure that your con­fi­den­tial trans­ac­tions and per­sonal in­for­ma­tion re­main safe, se­cure and pri­vate.

1. Keep your se­cu­rity codes con­fi­den­tial.
2. Make sure your debit card is never used by an­other per­son.
3. Take care of prop­erly se­cured equip­ment that you use for your bank­ing trans­ac­tions.
4. Check your bank ac­count on a reg­u­lar ba­sis.
5. Please re­port in­ci­dents di­rectly to Home Federal Bank and fol­low the in­struc­tions of the bank.

Keep your security codes confidential.

  • Make sure that you never disclose your security codes to anyone else. Security codes are all codes that you need to use for electronic payments, internet and mobile banking, including the codes provided by a code calculator of your bank.
  • Security codes are only for yourself. You are not authorized to share them.
  • Do not write down or save the codes in any way. If absolutely necessary, save your codes in a form that is recognizable to you but nobody else, so it cannot be deciphered by others. Keep the encrypted information separate from your debit card or the device that you use to perform your banking affairs.
  • If you choose your own security code, make sure it is not easy to identify. Do not choose your year of birth, name of a family member or the post code of your home address.
  • Make sure that no one can observe you as you type in your security codes. Never share a security code by phone or email or in any other way. If someone calls you up on behalf of your bank and asks you to provide personal data, refrain from taking any action at all, for Home Federal Bank will never ask you to provide this kind of information.

Make sure that your debit card is never used by another person.

  • Do not let any­one dis­tract you when you use your debit card and make sure that you do get back your own debit card
  • Al­ways store the debit card in a safe place. Reg­u­larly check your debit card is still in your pos­ses­sion.

Ensure a proper protection of the equipment you use for your online banking.

  • Keep the de­vice you use for on­line bank­ing up-to-date with an­tivirus soft­ware, op­er­at­ing sys­tem patches, fire­walls etc and en­sure your browser is set to the high­est level of se­cu­rity. Do not in­stall un­li­censed soft­ware.
  • Se­cure the de­vice you use for con­trol­ling your bank­ing af­fairs with an ac­cess code.
  • En­sure that the ap­pli­ca­tions which are pro­vided by the bank for use on the de­vice you use for your bank­ing af­fairs can­not be used by unau­tho­rized per­sons.
  • Al­ways log out when you have fin­ished your bank­ing ses­sions.

Check your bank account.

  • Check your state­ments and trans­ac­tion his­tory reg­u­larly, at least every two weeks, to en­sure the ac­cu­racy of your ac­counts. Please in­form Home Federal Bank im­me­di­ately if you en­counter any­thing that does not seem right.

Please report incidents directly to the bank and act upon the instructions of the bank.

Con­tact the bank im­me­di­ately in any of the fol­low­ing cases oc­curs:

  • If your debit card is no longer in your possession or you do not know where it is.
  • If you know or suspect that someone else knows your security code or has used it.
  • If you see transactions on your bank account, which you did not authorize.
  • If you do not possess your mobile device with the payment application of the bank anymore, unless you have transferred this device to another person and the payment application has been removed prior to this transfer.

Please im­me­di­ately con­tact the bank when you no­tice some­thing that you con­sider as strange or un­usual, such as an­other way of log­ging in or an un­usual ac­cess screen.

The bank may block the bank­ing ap­pli­ca­tion on your de­vices in or­der to pre­vent (fur­ther) dam­age. In that case, please fol­low the in­struc­tions of the bank. Please note that in any cir­cum­stances, the bank will never ask you for your se­cu­rity codes.

What we do for you

Customer Number and PIN
You have to type the cor­rect com­bi­na­tion of your cus­tomer num­ber and PIN in­for­ma­tion to log on to In­ter­net Bank­ing. For se­cu­rity rea­sons, your ac­count will be locked af­ter 3 in­cor­rect con­sec­u­tive at­tempts for the same cus­tomer num­ber.

Virtual Keyboard
Vir­tual Key­board is en­hanc­ing se­cu­rity con­trols for key­log­ger type at­tacks which lead at­tack­ers to steal your in­for­ma­tion by cap­tur­ing key­strokes you pressed. You will be asked to en­ter your PIN code by us­ing vir­tual key­board. You have the op­tion to dis­able us­ing it but we strongly rec­om­mend you to use it every time you lo­gin.

Time of Last Login
When you log on to the In­ter­net Bank­ing sys­tem, your ‘’last time of login’’ in­for­ma­tion will be shown to you in the main screen to check if any­one other than you used your ac­count.

Secured Connection
256-bit TLS (Trans­port Layer Se­cu­rity) or 128-bit SSL (Se­cure Socket Layer) en­cryp­tion pro­to­col which pro­vides a se­cure en­vi­ron­ment for in­for­ma­tion ex­change are used for all in­for­ma­tion be­ing trans­ferred be­tween Home Federal Bank’s In­ter­net Bank­ing Sys­tem and your browser. These tech­nolo­gies are the lat­est glob­ally ac­cepted stan­dard for se­cur­ing in­for­ma­tion over in­ter­net based web ap­pli­ca­tions.

Session Management
– You can­not be logged on to Home Federal Bank Di­rect Bank­ing on mul­ti­ple browsers.
– When you do not use the on­line bank­ing sys­tem for 5 min­utes, the sys­tem will log you off au­to­mat­i­cally and you will be asked to type your PIN code once more.

We are mon­i­tor­ing and guard­ing our sys­tems con­tin­u­ously to pre­vent any unau­tho­rized ac­cess and to pro­tect your pri­vacy and your per­sonal de­tails.

Home Federal Bank per­forms pen­e­tra­tion tests on its sys­tems on a reg­u­lar ba­sis to de­tect pos­si­ble vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties (by means of ‘hack­ers tests’).

On May 2018 the EU Gen­eral Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion 2016/679 (GDPR) en­tered into force. In con­nec­tion with the GDPR we have up­dated our pri­vacy pol­icy. You may find the up­dated pri­vacy pol­icy through this link: Privacy

Your pri­vacy and the way your per­sonal data is treated are very im­por­tant to us. You can read more in our up­dated pri­vacy pol­icy which ex­plains how Home Federal Bank uses your per­sonal data.